
It is recommended to use Unix machine with python >= 3.7


pip install replay-rec



If you have an installation trouble, update the core packages:

pip install --upgrade pip wheel

RePlay dependencies compilation

RePlay depends on packages (e.g. LightFM, Implicit) that perform C/C++ extension compilation on installation. This requires C++ compiler, header files and other necessary components to be installed.

An example of error indicating header files absence is: Python.h: No such file or directory

To install the necessary packages run the following for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential


You can also clone repository and install with poetry

git clone
cd RePlay
pip install -U pip wheel
pip install -U requests pypandoc cython optuna poetry
poetry install

Poetry resolves dependencies from pyproject.toml and fixes versions into poetry.lock file. New packages can be added into configuration file with poetry add package.